May 9, 2023Liked by Anne Thomas

I have to admit, I needed to look up the def of 'bastille' before delving into your wonderful spiel about the local fortress, (some scarey and depressing revelations there!).

But your quick and intimate descriptions of the hike 'de jior' (I'm such an idiot), rendered your experience as a much more 'present and actual' picture if the existing place. The stairs, which somehow have continued to exist in this fragile world, seem like a throwback from Dr. Seuss, as do many of the details you thought to include.

One thing seems to stand clear though; don't give up your native English for French----youre too good at it!

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Thanks Karl!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Anne Thomas

What a lot of stairs! I'n glad you're being wary of weirdos. Thank you for sharing the beautiful views of your city, including the sunset shot--so nice! It's funny (and fun) that someone was playing their trombone in the hills. I love hearing about your adventures, even if it takes me a while to get to them.

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Quelle belle description de la montée vers la Bastille, ça prend de l’énergie pour y arriver à pied ( faut que tu sois en bonne forme!) mais la vue est si belle! Et c’est historique. Bravo!

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