Dec 19, 2023Liked by Anne Thomas

I loved this, Anne! Your pictures and videos were superb; they really revealed the magnitude of the spectacle. Your comment on enjoying the light and shadows cast through the bare tree branches brought back remembered things from my own experience. I love that we can experience things in the ways that matter to us most, and find our own meaning. Your pieces are so thought-provoking. Thank you.

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Thanks Karl!

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Huge thanks for this fabulous vision in words and images Anne. I have yet to visit Lyons despite having been here 20 years... but sadly the sheer number of people at La fête des lumières would prohibit me visiting. Crowds of people send me spiraling into the cold sweats of panic extremely fast even if it is the best show on earth..

So specIal thanks for this, I hope you go again next year..!

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Happy to oblige, it's too bad about the crowds! You're not alone, I'm sure. But I hope you visit Lyon on a normal day, it's a nice place :)

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My daughter and I are hoping to plan a visit sometime this year although synchronizing time off seems to be complicated at the moment... we will find a slot I’m sure but it’s likely to be last minute..!

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ah lovely, good luck!

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How wonderful - I love Lyon *so much*, and was so sorry to miss the Fête des Lumières by just a day or two last year. Thank you for taking us with you!

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My pleasure, I hope you have another chance to go someday!

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